Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Sorry not been around

But I have had good reason not to be.A few know why, but for those that don't.
January turned out to be a total sh*t month for myself and my family.
Sadly on the 10Th Jan my dear dad passed away,it was very unexpected.Then on the 14Th Jan our dog ate some stones and 1 got stuck, he had to have a op to remove it. then he got Peritonitis so was rushed into out of hours vets, he had a 5 hr op and 30cm of his intestines removed. He battled for 4 days, but sadly the infection came back. and we just couldn't put him through another op.It was a very hard decision we had to make.so lost oz on the 19Th Jan , he was only 9months old. Then on the 20Th I went out to find out what money we owed our vets, only to have a silly woman reverse into my car. And guess what she had reversing sensors on her car. she thought it was beeping cause she was close to the kerb.as if my car looks like a kerb.
Anyway all in all Jan wasn't a good month for us, and I am now hoping Feb will be better. Just taking each day as it comes,having ups and downs. but plodding along.
For a few days now I have been trying to find my mojo to make a card. it just wasn't happening. but today with the help from Louise(THANK YOU) Click here for her blog. I have made it.

hopefully I will post more cards soon, if I can get my mojo flowing again and take part in challenges again.

sorry for long post but felt I needed to explain why I hadn't been around.

1 comment:

Louise Emma said...

Awww Bev, i think your quote that it has been sh*t is an understatement hun. I can only hope that this year gets better for you very soon. Glad I was able to help you with the card x